[Mnbird] A windy bird report from Freeborn County

Al Batt snoeowl at aol.com
Thu Apr 29 10:04:27 CDT 2021

  I’ve been out turning over rocks, so to speak. Good numbers of Palm Warblers led me down a trail. Yellow-rumped Warblers were busy in every other tree. An Orange-crowned Warbler and a Hermit Thrush were here and there. Ruby-crowned Kinglets used megaphones to produce their loud sounds. Spotted Sandpipers were numerous along the water’s edge. My father called them teeter-snipe because teeter-snipes sounded wrong. Forster’s Tern calls of “ki-arr” came from all directions. Mudflats were occupied with Pectoral Sandpipers and both species of yellowlegs. A Cooper’s Hawk (the “chicken hawk” of my youthful years when I tried to make millions by raising exotic breeds of small chickens) harassed three Turkey Vultures with menacing flight maneuvers and a lengthy series of cak-cak-cak calls. I saw my FOY Solitary Sandpiper at the edge of a cow pasture and my FOY Green Heron at a lakeside park.
  In the yard, White-crowned Sparrows joined the flock of White-throated Sparrows and a single Fox Sparrow on the ground. There were many Purple Finches and Pine Siskins. There was but one Eastern Towhee, but its number was impressive.

Al Batt
Here in the greater Hartland area
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