[Mnbird] a new hummer

John Hamer hamerjohn34 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 25 16:52:14 CDT 2023

The other day I was watching a good plot of Jewelweed when a female ruby
throat came in from the other side. I watched her hit about 40 flowers in
short order and left.  The day following I was working in one of the garden
plots we have here at the Glenn. In the garden plot next to me I thought I
saw another female working the red flowers in my neighbors plot. It worked
its way right up to me, about three feet away. I looked at it and thought
man, that is a big hummer ( about one and a half the size of a ruby throat.
It was at the end of the red flowers and it turned and lifted off showing a
light lavender wash on the throat.

I went through all my books. The best I could do was a blue throated
hummer, either a young blue throat male or a regular male not in mating
colors.  I look forward to hearing what people think.  I don't ever
remember seeing a recorded blue throat in MN.  I'm going to put my feeder
out there and see if it is still around. I'm planning on attending the
Sept. and October MRVACmeetings.

John Hamer
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