[Mnbird] Shrike in Hennepin Cty

Betsy Kerr bjkerr at umn.edu
Tue Oct 17 18:18:19 CDT 2023

l visited Westwood Hills Nature Center (St. Louis Park) this afternoon and
walked the boardwalk part of the trail.  I saw a Shrike perched in a tree
for a few minutes, but the distance was too far and my eyesight not good
enough (even with binoculars) to positively ID it as a Northern or a
Loggerhead.  I see in ebird that a Northern is much more likely at this
time of year, but if I had to choose, I would choose Loggerhead because of
the boldness of the black and white and the clear white wing bars.  I'm
curious to know if anyone has  seen either Shrike around here lately.

Betsy Kerr
Golden Valley
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