[Mnbird] Rain and ruby-throats

carol schumacher birdminn at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 26 17:47:00 CDT 2023

We have been blessed with consistent rain in Winona keeping the garden and rain barrel happy. The Ruby-throated Hummingbirds are numerous and battling for ports on their feeders. Just happened to catch nine contesting six ports this morning.

During heavy rain it’s easy to see it’s tougher to find/retrieve pollen. So why do they get into a frenzy before rain?  And why so many?

Usually we enjoy the highest numbers while evening dinner on our deck. We can usually track the direction they come from and figure out the shrubs and cedars where they go before they come racing back. Often the next morning we have lower numbers and different mix of breeding and immature birds. 

Carol Schumacher
Winona, back from Mississippi River bluff edges

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