[Mnbird] Backyard Views

Brian and Cindy Drill bcdrill at charter.net
Tue Apr 27 14:14:48 CDT 2021

Good afternoon all.  I arrived home from a garden center trip around 
12:30, and decided to plant a couple of the perennials I had chosen.  
The back yard was quite full of bird chatter, although my trees had only 
a few goldfinches.  I located the neighbors tree across our back yard as 
the source of the sounds, and discovered a large (20+) flock of pine 
siskins sitting at the top branches.

While I was observing them, I noticed a larger bird in another tree a 
short distance across the yard, so I grabbed my binoculars for a better 
look.  It turned out to be a very fluffed up Flicker, resting on the 

I returned to my planting, and something caused me to look up.  I was 
treated to a steady stream of broad winged hawks moving northerly, 
almost directly over my back yard! While the skies are overcast and the 
birds were primarily colorless against the gray skies, I was able to see 
the white tail band on some flying lower than the rest.  The parade went 
on for almost a half hour, with small breaks between groups.  I gave up 
attempting to count them, although that would have been fun to know.

Yesterday I saw pelicans overhead around noon, but so far they have not 
landed in a water body near me to get to see them closer.  Still 
awaiting more migrants--Cindy in North Mankato

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