[Mnbird] Hadley Lake Report

Peter L Gilles gilles_peter_l at msn.com
Sun Apr 11 15:08:24 CDT 2021

FOY Great Blue Heron flying South to North above Hadley  -- probably heading toward Mooney Lake.

A Transient Wood Duck pair has shown up.  For the last 6 or 7 years, I have had a transient Wood Duck pair show up in the reeds at the bottom of my lot.  They generally stay 5 to 7 days -- always sticking here along the North end of Hadley.

The adult male Cardinals have become very combative.   Normally during the Winter months, I have 12 to 14 Cardinals -- generally split evenly M / F and they all are fairly tolerant of each other at my 4 feeders.  But right now, I have 3 very feisty males that are striving for dominance.

There have only been a few Robins singing their cheerful notes each morning and evening. I haven't seen any flocks of Spring Robins.  I have some Sumac on the North edge and I can generally count on them finding it and the water dish on the porch railing.

I heard a Sapsucker in the woods on the North side of my lot, but couldn't find him.

If the weather looks to warm up again significantly (70's), I will put out at least one Hummingbird feeder for early arrivals.

Sent from Pete's Galaxy Note 8

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