[Mnbird] Jay mimec

Paul Worwa Pworwa at allanmechanical.com
Tue Sep 13 07:42:50 CDT 2016

We have had Red-shouldered Hawks nesting in the wooded area behind our home in Chanhassen for about 12 years, and the Blue Jays in our neighborhood all do a perfect RS Hawk imitation

Paul Worwa

From: Jon Gorder via Mnbird [mailto:mnbird at lists.mnbird.net]
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2016 11:50 AM
To: Mnbird
Subject: [Mnbird] Jay mimec

    For about two weeks we've been hearing a distinct Red Tail call around our block here in St. Paul.
We thought maybe an early migrator stopping for rest but then it kept up for days on end. I finally heard it in a tree right outside our place and went out with binoculars and found a Blue Jay in a white pine overlooking the peanut feeder and it was just doing a perfect imitation of a hawk.

    We knew some Corvids were pretty good mimics but never heard of this behavior. Is it more common than we know?

                                                                                        Jon and Lisa,
                                                                                     Cathedral Hill

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