[Mnbird] Steve Weston program at MRVAC this Thur sday

Steve Weston sweston2 at comcast.net
Tue May 19 02:24:43 CDT 2015

*Special Presentation This Thursday, May 21*

Birds in Love
by Steve Weston,
Minnesota River Valley Audubon Chapter

I will be talking about Bird Behavior drawn from my years of observing
birds and trying to figure out what is going on. I will be talking about
courting, mating, nesting, and raising young. Many of us have been lucky
enough to watch birds mate, but have you seen them do it on the wing? And,
what species mating habits suggest an orgy at a dance hall with the females
lining up with their butts in the air and fluttering their wings?
This may be the raciest talk given since I have been attending.

*When*: Please join us Thursday, May 21 from 7:00-7:30 pm to socialize over
cookies. A brief business meeting including the board of director’
elections and the featured speaker begin at 7:30 pm. The meeting will
conclude before 9:00 pm.

*Where*: Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center 3815
American Blvd E, Bloomington.  Take Hwy 494 to 34th Ave. Go south to
American Blvd; turn left and go 2 blocks. Center will be on your right.
Enter through the door at the middle of the building

Our programs are free and open to the public.  I hope to see you there.

Steve Weston
On Quigley Lake in Eagan, MN
sweston2 at comcast.net
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